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LO.7 Chemistry G10


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 We have in LO.7 Chemistry G10

First: the Concepts




  Chemical formula.

  Chemical equation.

  Law of Conservation of Mass.


 Kinetic energy.



Heating Curve of Water.

Second: the References

Active chemistry : ch.2 sec.1,2
ch.4 sec.2                               
Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills
 Decompose water by electrolysis a. Test elements to determine identity b.

Determine chemical formula by relative volume of gases produced. 

Compare properties of elements with compounds . 

Burn measured quantity magnesium and determine chemical formula of magnesium oxide . 

Write and interpret chemical formulas . 

Demonstrate safe laboratory practices .

 Describe the States of Matter: Solid, Liquid, and Gas . 

Explain the purpose of balancing a chemical equation. .

Relate balancing an equation to the Law of Conservation of Matter. . 

Differentiate chemical from mathematical equations - how similar, how different . 

Balance a chemical equation.

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF
In the Drive from this link

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