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LO.2 Biology G10


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 We have in LO.2 Biology G10

First: the Concepts

Compare and contrast eukaryotes and

a. size

b. internal structures (membranes, DNA,

c. Example organisms

 Eukaryotic cell structure and function to

a. Cell membrane

b. Endomembrane system (and its function
as a transport and packaging system)

c. Mitochondria and Chloroplast (and its
function as energy conversions)

d. Nucleus (and its function as storage of
genetic material)

e. ribosome (and its function as protein

f. smooth endoplasmic reticulum (and its
function as lipid synthesis)

 plant vs. animal cell structures

 TB as a case study from SEPUP

Second: the References
SEPUP Materials -Unit 3 Cell Biology

Activity 3 teacher SEPUP page 272: 283 student SEPUP 171 : 179

Activity 4 teacher SEPUP page 284 : 289 student SEPUP page. 180 : 183

Activity 5 teacher SEPUP P. 290 :293 student SEPUP P. 184 : 185

Activity 6 teacher SEPUP P. 294 : 299 student SEPUP 186 : 190

Campbell: chapter 6

Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills

Use a microscope to make observations of general eukaryotic
cell structures.

 Make scientific drawings

 Make conclusions based on evidence

 Make accurate inferences using text materials

 Use the tools to prepare slides for plant and animal cells

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF
In the Drive from this link

 additional information from other sites

To go the first site, just click the back bottom in your phone
