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LO.5 Geology G10


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 We have in LO.5 Geology G10

First: the Concepts

A. Sedimentary rocks that accumulate from particles can be formed in a wide range of
environments on Earth's surface.

 B. Some sedimentary rocks form from particles of older rocks that are removed from their original
location and deposited in a new one.

 C. The environment of deposition and the source material both contribute to differences in texture
and composition among these sedimentary rocks.

 D. Some sedimentary rocks are made of particles from once living organisms.

 E. The types of organisms determine much about the texture and mineral composition of such
rocks. Such rocks are often only deposited under special conditions.

 F. Sedimentary rocks often contain pore spaces that make them important reservoirs of fluids in the
upper part of Earth's crust.

 G. Sedimentary rocks sometimes contain organic material that may become part of Earth's energy

Second: the References

Earth comm: Ch.3 sec.3
Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills

A. Identifying and differentiating sedimentary rocks.

 B. Using hand specimen and microscopic scale features to classify different types of
sedimentary rocks.

 C. Using sedimentary textures to interpret depositional environment.

 D. Interpreting geological maps that describe the geology of Egypt.

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF
In the Drive from this link

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