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LO.5 Chemistry G10


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 We have in LO.5 Chemistry G10

First: the Concepts

Chemical bond.

Ionic and Covalent bond.

  Electron dot diagram.

 Nomenclature of alkanes (IUPAC common name).

 Isomers of alkanes.

Cis and Trans.

 Structure Isomers and Chains.

Second: the References

Zumdahl: ch.8 sec.1,2,3,4,10,11
                   ch. 22 sec.1                 
Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills
 Correlate electron configuration with ionization energies and chemical properties 

 Determine valence numbers from electron configuration 

 Compare organization of the periodic table according to valence numbers with physical and chemical properties and predict formulas for binary compounds .

 Contrast ionic bonding and covalent bonding .

 Draw electron-dot diagrams for simple molecules with covalent bonding and ionic bonding . 

Student can compare between organic and inorganic substance.

 Detect practically C and H in organic substance .

Distinguish between molecular, structural and empirical formula . 

Draw formulas for isomers of a compound. (structure chain, cis and trans). 

Name simple alkanes according to IUPAC nomenclature rules

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF
In the Drive from this link

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