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LO.2 Math G10


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 We have in LO.2 Math G10

First: the Concepts

 Shape, center, spread








. Outliers

Scatter plot


. Correlation coefficient

Regression line

 Standard deviation (without frequency)

Second: the References

Starnes, Daren - Tabor, Josh - Yates, Daniel - Moore, David, The Practice of Statistics, New
York: W.H. Freeman, 2015, 5th Edition
Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills

Describe the overall pattern (shape, center, spread) of a distribution and identify any major departures from the pattern (like outliers).

 Make a histogram, dotplot, boxplot or stemplot to display small sets of data and interpret the data.

 Identify the shape of a distribution (symmetric or skewed) from a dotplot, stemplot, or histograms

 Calculate and interpret measures of center (mean, median) and spread (IQR, standard deviation).

 Use appropriate graphs and numerical summaries to compare distributions of quantitative variables.

 calculate correlation coefficient (Spearman’s rank and Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient)

  find the equation of regression line

 calculate the value of y given x using regression equation

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF
In the Drive from this link

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