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LO.1 Chemistry G10


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 We have in LO.1 ChemistryG10

First: the Concepts


Scientific methods.

 Scientific law.

 Scientific theory.

 Relations between variables.


 SI units.

 Instrumentation (precision, accuracy, significant figures).

 Types of variables.


 Specific gravity.

Second: the References

Zumdahl: ch.1 sec.3,4,5
Third: the Videos links

Fourth: Skills

Use laboratory equipment to get measurement data . 

Represent data on data tables and graphs correctly 

 Differentiate scientific from non-scientific reasoning . 

Develop a chart of main processes in scientific thinking . 

Demonstrate proper use of quantitative instrumentation . 

Conduct and analyze series of measurements . 

Evaluate scientific reports as to their use of quantitative instruments reporting and analysis of findings. 

Determine number of significant figures .

Measure and calculate densities of materials . 

Compare densities of solids, regular and irregular and liquid materials by their behavior and gross observation

Fifth: the materials as PPT., DOCX., and PDF
In the Drive from this link

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